Subtle tartget groups, a tough ride
EFOTT (National and Tourtistic Union of University and College Students) is one of the largest music festival in Hungary going back to a competitively old history. Founded on rich tradition, yet reviving every year, it’s awaiting university youth summer by summer. Festival season restarted in a strong competition after the pandemic, industry participants were facing […]
From anonymity to a love brand
Sansin is the very first Hungarian vegan detergent brand: a product range of vegan organic and environment friendly Hungarian products stretching from detergents, fabric softeners, baby products as well as male and female cosmetics. Goals and task We were committed to build up the brand from scratch to even make it cope and liable to […]
Taming the unknown: education in a sceptical market
Blockben is az Estonian incorporated fintech company aiming to grant inventive answers to at-present financial questions by its large-scale service palette of innovation. Goals and tasks Our goal was to evolve the brand only by a PR toolkit. Thus we were committed to designing the brand’s media PR strategy along with a constant, monthly PR […]
Sign it
Communication and success across borders
‘Sign it’ was a signature raising campaign supporting the Transylvanian National Council’s signing initiation in the European Union. The petition aimed to help the national minorities’ direct access to the financial resources of the EU. Goals and tasks The cross-borders initiation was obliged to raise 1 million signatures from minimum 7 EU-member countries within only […]
National Voucher
Value over nominal value
Erzsébet-voucher, ceased in 2019, was replaced in the cafeteria-market by Hungarian Voucher Ltd.’s product in 2020, being individually in the Hungarian allowance market in 100% national ownership. National Voucher is a widely applicable allowance which is available with reduced taxation and may be used for everyday demands. It represents considerable added value over its nominal […]
Smart re-branding
Nective System is a sared-intelligence building-automatization system. Smarthome system’s basis is formed by Kameleon Light module which is a ready-for-service right after installation and is able to perform all the essential functions without any programming necessities. The concept of the system is that one module performs only one function – e.g. controlling lighting, shading or […]
Refreshed brand communication for fresh products
Pek-Snack Ltd. has been a decisive operator in Hungary’s bakery market. It produces and distributes frozen bakery goods via its over 1800 franchise partners, turning over 150 000 transactions daily. Besides Hungary, it is present in Croatia and in the Check Republic. Task Refreshment of the brand’s visual communication and performing media PR tasks. Solutions […]
Baptist Charity – Climate of Change
Communication and events
Climate of Change is an international initiative focusing on the issue of climate change and is coordinated by the Baptist Charitry in Hungary. Goals, task, solutions, achievements Our goal was to use a wide-range communication palette for maximizing the number of those becoming familiar with the project and conscious of the issue’s high account. The […]
Fitbalance – Életmód- és sportfesztivál
Rendezvény lebonyolítás
The goal of the event is to encourage creating and sustaining a more healthy lifestyle as well as raise attention to doing sports regularly. The event series came to life as the festival of healthy lifestyle and Hungarian sport. The program promoted regular exercise with interactive shows and games. The diverse parade of excitement hosted […]
Fitbalance Kids – Lifestyle and sport for families and kids
Fitbalance Kids is the youngest member of the brand Fitbalance, an independent family and children’s sports event specifically targeting the youth aged 3-18 and their families. The goal of Fitbalance Kids is to involve and educate the young actively into a healthier lifestyle and encourage creating it during the early years by performing countless diverse […]
Fót – Hagyomány és innováció a városarculatban
Élhető városmarketing
Célok, feladatok, megoldások Fót logójának és kisarculatának megtervezése volt az alapfeladat, ami természetesen sokkal szélesebb és mélyebb átgondolást igényelt. Fót a hagyományaira és történelmére büszke, ugyanakkor rendkívül dinamikusan fejlődő és folyamatosan megújuló város. Hangulatának, adottságainak, valamint kiváló elhelyezkedésének köszönhetően a város lakossága egyre gyarapszik. Fót önkormányzatának fontos célja, hogy élő kapcsolatot teremtsen az évtizedek óta […]